Speech Language Pathologist

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Speech Language Pathology Blog

6 Signs Your Child Might Have a Speech Disorder

We are wrapping things up this month with an informative blog post regarding children and possible speech language disorder. Before we begin we’d like to stress that if you finish reading this and are worried your child may have a speech language disorder, it is good to remember that that’s exactly what South Florida Speech Solutions is here for and that we offer a free speech screening to help answer your initial questions.

The most important thing to help increase your chances at a successful speech language journey is to identify the problem early on. The second most important thing? Addressing it by taking the proper steps and tools at your disposal.

Here are 6 signs your child may have a Speech Language Disorder:

  1. If at 9 months your child doesn’t babble

  2. If by 7-12 months your child does not use gestures such as waving, pointing, etc.

  3. If at 15 months your child hasn’t used their first word

  4. If by 1 1/2-2 years your child hasn’t started putting words together to form sentences

  5. If by age 2 your child has a vocabulary of less than 50 words. (1)

  6. If by age 2-3 your child has difficulty interacting with other children

Most cases of speech language disorders can be treated. The earlier the child undergoes treatment, the more chance of success for the treatment applied. Parent’s should not wait for a child to just outgrow a communication problem. The longer a problem like this continues without being addressed the more likely a child is to fall behind in areas such as reading and writing, in some cases even socializing with their peers.

If you believe you want to get your child tested, Gina and her team at South Florida Speech Solutions is here to help. Book a free screening with us by contacting us at info@southflspeech.com. We are here for you.

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